Lookups are used to select values for a control in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The values can be records from a reference table or from multiple data sources in Microsoft Dynamics AX.The lookup form is opened whenever the lookup button is pressed by a user on any field in Microsoft Dynamics AX. There are multiple methods to create a lookup form. This tutorial will discuss a method to create a lookup form in which multiple values can be selected for a single control.
- Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
As part of this tutorial, the user will be able to select multiple customers from a single lookupSteps
- First of all create a new Form. Open AOT àForms
- Right click on Forms, click New Form and name it TestMultiLookup
- Navigate to the Design node, right click it, then select a StringEdit control under New Control
- Name the control MultiLookup and set its properties to those shown below
- Similarly, add a new Button and name it GetValues and set its Text property as Values
- The final design should resemble the one shown below
Now open the Class declaration node of the form and write the following code into itSysLookupMultiSelectCtrl msCtrlCust;
- Override the init method of the form and write the following code in it
Override the clicked method of the button GetValues and write the following code in it
- The multi-select lookup control is implemented. To test it, run the form
- Open the lookup on the Customers field. Multiple records can be selected by checking the check box on the grid
- Press the Ok button to select the checked records
- The selected values will be shown on the Customers field.
- To see the record Ids (RecId) for the Customers (CustTable), press the Values button
- The Ids will be shown in the Infolog
Query query = new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
//creating query to show customer account and customer name
//the query must contain only those fields that should be visible on the lookup
qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(CustTable));
qbds = qbds.addDataSource(tableNum(DirPartyTable));
//assigning control and query to the class
msCtrlCust = SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl::constructWithQuery(element, MultiLookup, query);
container values = msCtrlCust.get(); // get the rec Ids of the Cust table. To get the display value, use the getSelectedFieldValues method
int i;
//loop through the container and show the selected Ids in the info log
for (i = 1; i <= conLen(values);i++)
Note: To remove the selected record(s), they need to be unchecked on the lookup. The Customers
field will become non-editable when associated with the multi-select
lookup control and hence, no change can be made on the field
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